Smoking Regulations for Tourists Visiting Mexico


Hotels in Mexico Must Provide “Smoke-Free” Rooms and Areas

Courtesy of: Hotel Emporio

no-fumar-4Mexico’s National Department of Health has issued rules and regulations regarding the use of tobacco and tobacco products in public places*.  In compliance with these national laws, hotels and resorts must provide “smoke-free” rooms and areas for their guests.

It is obligation and responsibility of the Hotel owner or manager to maintain a space that is 100% free of smoke. If a guest is found smoking in a smoke-free area, you will be asked to quit and to extinguish your cigarette or other electric smoking devices. You can move to a smoking area, or go outside of the property.

If this request is ignored, the Hotel management reserves the right to refuse service to the guest and will seek the assistance of the appropriate law enforcement authorities. The responsibility of the Hotel ends at the time of notification to the appropriate authorities.

Exposure to Cigarette Smoke is Dangerous

Exposure to cigarette smoke increases your risk for:

  • Acute myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Lung cancer, bronchus, and trachea
  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract
  • Ear infections and worsening of asthma
  • Other cancers, etc.

Extinguish Cigarettes at Entry to the Hotel

To eliminate the practice of smoking in public areas, the Hotel provides ashtrays to extinguish cigarettes that are placed far enough away from the entry so that smoke is not allowed to enter the building.

Non-Smoking Rooms

  • Non-smoking signs are displayed in smoke-free rooms
  • Rooms are maintained smoke-free
  • There must not be any evidence of people smoking in the room (smoke smell, ashtrays, cigarette butts etc.)
  • Non-smoking rooms must be located on designated floors or buildings to prevent smoke from other rooms from passing down the hallways or to intrude upon smoke-free areas
  • Guests are prohibited from using non-smoking rooms for meeting rooms or for parties that include smoking

Non-Smoking Warning Signs and Ventilation

  • Signs are displayed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors
  • Warnings are provided of the risks and consequences for pregnant women, the elderly and the sick
  • Smoking areas must have direct ventilation to the outside or an air extraction system that does not mix with other air cooling systems

Common Areas and Service Areas

  • Smoke-free areas are clearly indicated with signs in highly visible locations
  • Smoke-free areas have warnings about the violation of smoking regulations
  • Smoking or the use of smoke products are not allowed in any internal area of the hotel, including bathrooms, storage, kitchen administrative area, hallways, balconies etc.


To complain about smoking in smoke-free areas, please alert the Hotel Management.

Reference: Secretaria Nacional de Salud (National Secretary of Health)