Home Travel Black Towns of Mexico Results: The 24th Annual Meeting of the Black Towns

Results: The 24th Annual Meeting of the Black Towns

2023 "Encuentro de los Pueblos Negros”


2023 “Encuentro de los Pueblos Negros”

By Patricia Ann Talley, Editor

I serve on the International Relations Committees for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force of Southfield, Michigan, and Mexico Negro, A.C., which is one of Mexico’s leading civil rights organizations.

My academic collaborator, Dr. Donaji Mendez Tello, is the co-founder and president of Mexico Negro. She is also the head of Afro-Mexican studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Tourism Campus in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, where we both live. I help to serve as her “English voice.”

The MLK Task Force serves as a fundraising entity for Mexico Negro, A.C. in the USA. The Task Force sponsored our trip to the 2023 Meeting of the Black Towns of Mexico. Gracias!  

The Annual “Encuentro de los Pueblos Negros”

Representatives from “Black Towns” nationwide meet yearly to discuss social, educational, and economic issues. Representatives from throughout Latin America and Europe also attended. All nationalities and ethnicities were invited. I was the only US Expat who attended, so I want to share this experience with you.

The location of the “Encuentro” changes each year. For 2023, it was held in the magical town of Tamiahua, Veracruz, located in the northeast part of the state. It is always held in mid-November.

We invite you to look at the video report of this special event. It includes history, art, fashion, crafts, books, cultural activities, and important information for all to know and share.

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