Home ExPats Restrictions on Health Coverage for Canadians in Mexico

Restrictions on Health Coverage for Canadians in Mexico


By: Linda Leonard*

Residency Restrictions on Provincial Health Coverage

There are restrictions regarding provincial health coverage for Canadians visiting or living part-time in Mexico. I personally have spoken with far too many people who are not up-to-date on this information, so I’m sure there are lots of folks out there who are unaware that the rules changed (in our favour) in 2013.

We used to be allowed out of our home province for only 180 days without consequences with our health care coverage. Most provinces now allow for seven (7) months away (213 days).

As of Oct 1, 2019, the province of Ontario will no longer provide any out of country coverage to its residents. Previously, as in all other provinces, Canadians have been covered while out of the country, within the allowable days, close to the same amount that the same procedure/surgery/hospital stay would cost in their home province. While this usually did not cover the entire expense, at least in Mexico, it was a considerable coverage; not so if the Canadian was in the US!

This could be the beginning of a trend for other provinces to follow Ontario’s move, which could make it impossible for some senior Canadians to continue being “snowbirds” due to the high cost of private emergency med insurance; e.g., the cost for 6 months insurance coverage for emergency medical only, for a couple in their very early 70s is well over $10,000, which is prohibitive for many on pensions. The Canadian Snowbird Association is working on a solution, but it won’t come overnight!

According to the Canadian Snowbird Association, here is the current information:

Time Allowed Out of Home Providence

  • British Columbia:  Up to 7 months out of province, plus up to 24 months every 5 years
  • Alberta:  7 months (212 days) out of province, plus up to 24 months (not sure how often)
  • Saskatchewan: 7 months out of province
  • Manitoba: 7 months (213 days) out of province
  • Ontario:  No out of country coverage
  • Quebec: 183 days out of province, plus an unlimited number of 21 days trips; more time away is allowed every 7 years
  • New Brunswick: 212 days out of province, up to 12 months every 3 years
  • Nova Scotia:  7 months out of province, plus up to 12 months every 5 years
  • Prince Edward Island: 6 months plus 1 day out of province
  • Newfoundland & Labrador: Must be in the province for 4 months; plus 1 time out of province for up to 12 months
  • Yukon: Up to 12 months out of province
  • Northwest Territories: Must be present 153 days
  • Nunavut: Unlimited absence from the province

Note that the above info is regarding our provincial health coverage only.

Regarding CPP & OAS

As long as you qualify for these benefits, you can receive them no matter where you are, even if you move permanently to any other country.

Regarding the GIS

Canada will pay this for a maximum of 6 months out of the province.  If you are out for 7 months, you will forfeit one month of GIS.  It will resume upon your return to your province.

Hopefully, this is helpful information to people who are planning extended vacations or complete winters in Mexico.

Note that this applies to Mexico.  It is different if you are planning to be in the USA.  The USA allows Canadians to be in the country for 180 days without any restrictions or repercussions. Canadians staying in the USA for more than 180 days are subject to income tax in the USA as well as in Canada.  This is a USA restriction, not a Canada restriction.

*About the Author: Linda Leonard is a retired school teacher and writer from Canada who now lives in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico. She is the administrator of Zihuatanejo – Let’s Chat group on Facebook.

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