Home History & Traditions Our Stories Rather Than Santa, Mexican Children Celebrate Arrival of the Three Kings and...

Rather Than Santa, Mexican Children Celebrate Arrival of the Three Kings and Camels

Día de Los Reyes Magos


By Patricia Ann Talley, Editor

Children in Spanish Countries Receive Gifts on “Día de Los Reyes Magos

In Spanish countries, the children do not receive gifts on Christmas day in December. Instead, the family exchanges gifts on January 6th of the new year on Three Kings Day – Día de Los Reyes Magos.

This celebration stems from the New Testament of the Bible, which states that the Kings, Melchor, Gaspar, and Balthasar traveled by night from the farthest confines of the earth to bring gifts to the baby Jesus. Arriving from three different directions, the kings followed the light provided by the star of Bethlehem, which reportedly lingered over the manger where the Virgin Mary gave birth for many days

Día de Los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day) is based on the Biblical story of the kings arriving to give gifts to the baby Jesus.

Three Kings Day is celebrated with street festive lights, Nativity scenes, and holiday songs. There is also a joyful parade called the “Cabalgata de Los Reyes Magos” to symbolize the arrival of the kings. The kings ride upon horses or elaborate floats and throw goodies at the children lining the streets. This is also traditionally the big opportunity for children to ask the kings for presents.

Rather than Santa, Towns Have a Parade with the Three Kings

Children Leave Snacks for the Three Kings

In the evening, before an early night in bed, children leave their shoes in a spot where the kings are sure to see them. Religious monarchs, like Santa Claus, love their sweets, so the children often set out goodies to entice the kings and hay to feed their camels. When morning arrives, children delightedly discover that the kings nibbled the sweets, the camels ate the hay, and by their shoes, there are wrapped presents.

After the Gifts, A Typical Breakfast of “Roscón de Reyes”

This magical time comes to a close the following day with another Spanish Christmas tradition: a typical breakfast of “Roscón de Reyes,” a ring-shaped cake decorated with fruits symbolizing the precious gems that adorned the royal trio’s lavish clothing.

This celebration, based on religious tradition, is one that Mexican parents hope to preserve.