“Quick” – A Kids’ Bilingual Virtual Music Group


Elementary Kids Build a Virtual Stage to Perform

Editor’s Note: We have kids who are growing up using technology that older generations never imagined! I laughed so hard when we received this “performance” by elementary students because I had to ask for an “Adult Translation.” You are going to get a kick out of this! Ha!

“Quick” is a collaborative music group of four elementary school students from Dallas, Texas, and Detroit, Michigan, USA, who have family members in Mexico. The kids are fluent in Spanish and English.

These young performers have coded (computer language) and designed a one-of-a-kind, immersive, 360-degree virtual theatre in Minecraft. This theatre is fully equipped with a stage to debut musical and theatrical performances, as well as a replica of the famous Chandelier from the Dallas Winspear Opera House. 

Adult Translation:

What is Minecraft? Well, basically, it is an online game where kids can build (via a computer) a “virtual world”. Since it is online, kids in different locations can play games together. These kids built a 360-degree theatre stage in this “virtual world” and then put themselves in it to give a musical performance.

You are going to see something that looks like a video game with animated characters, but you will hear the boys perform the music. Get it? Wow!

In Dedication to Kids Around the World!

This bilingual (Spanish/English) dedication from these young performers to kids throughout the world introduces the performance of the song “Wait for It” from Hamilton, An American Musical. 

Enjoy the avatar performance of this inspiring song.

This was so much fun!!!