“Mandela” by Costa Chica Artist Aydee Rodriguez Given to South Africa


Afro-Mexican Artist Aydee Rodriguez Honors Nelson Mandela’s Legendary Image

Artist Aydee Rodriguez

In 2015, the South African Embassy in Mexico donated a painting of Nelson Mandela, which was created by Afro-Mexican artist Aydee Rodríguez López from Cuajinicuilapa in the Costa Chica region of Guerrero to the Senate of South Africa for permanent display.

The Painting also Represents the African People in Mexico

The painting depicts the image of the legendary Mandela, along with the cultural representation of ancestral African people who were brought to Mexico, especially in the Costa Chica region, known as the “Black Pearl of African Mexico”.

A Dedication Ceremony was held at the South African Embassy in Mexico City

The artist initially presented the painting to the South African Ambassador to Mexico, Sandile Nogxina, at a ceremony at the Embassy of South Africa in Mexico City. Dr. Talia Weltman-Cisneros attended, representing Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Weltman-Cisneros, originally from South Africa, is a researcher and consultant in Afro-Mexican culture.


Ambassador Sandile Nogxina said that the artwork of the image of the leader Nelson Mandela should be a constant reminder of cultural ties between Africa and Mexico, a reminder of the contributions made by people of African descent in the construction of society and that Mexico is a land of a diversity of persons whose origins must be recognized. The art piece was presented to the Embassy of South Africa in Mexico City in July 2015 and then forwarded to the South African Senate.

The Afro-Mexican Presence

The Afro-Mexican artist Aydee Rodríguez López explained that her painting reflects the grandeur of the social work of Nelson Mandela, his love for humanity, his country, and his people. In addition, it reflects the map of South Africa and black culture that brought those ancient peoples to Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero, Mexico, where the African culture still prevails today.

Afro Mexicans in Costa Chica
Pictured is a house in the Costa Chica region of Guerrero shaped like one found in an African village. The area has one of the largest populations of Afro-Mexicans in the country. 

Upon receiving the artwork, South African Senator Maria del Rocio Pineda Gochi said the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, is in itself a vast representation of African values and elements, where they have organized meetings between black African peoples to preserve the integrity of their communities.