Home Uncategorized October 2022 Edition: Honoring the Indigenous People of México

October 2022 Edition: Honoring the Indigenous People of México


Our October edition is dedicated to honoring the Indigenous people and cultures of México. Watch videos about the ancient giants. México has 68 officially recognized Indigenous groups, so we have included stories, photos, and videos. There are coloring books for the kids (and adults like me).

Rather than Columbus Day, México celebrates Indigenous Day this month. The “Day of the Dead” commemoration also begins on October 31st.

And lastly, we have a big surprise for you. Listen to Hip-Hop, Rock, and Metal in Indigenous languages!  

On a personal note, this October marks my 25th year living, researching, writing, and teaching in México. I am eternally grateful for all those who have helped me along my journey.


Patricia Ann Talley, Founder & Editor