Mexico Offers Innovative Vocational Training at its Technical Universities


By: Patricia Ann Talley, Editor

Mexico is a Leader in High-Quality Vocational Development and Training

Tourists and residents enjoy seeing all of the polite, uninformed “young students” that train regularly in the hotels, restaurants, and businesses in Mexico. Talk to them!!! The students need to practice their English skills!

University training in Mexico focuses on making the students “job ready” as quickly as possible and their studies include both classroom theory and practical application; half of their college time is spent in business internships. Many businesses regularly host “practicantes” (interns) from local and out-of-state colleges and training facilities.

University Training in Mexico Focuses on Making Students “Job Ready”

While the United States is known worldwide for the high quality of its university facilities and professional training, many new jobs that will emerge in the world over the next few years will be more “vocational or technical” in nature.

Universidad Tecnológica de La Costa Grande de Guerrero

Mexico is a leader in high-quality vocational development and training and has many top-class facilities such as the  (The Technological University of Grand Coast of the State of Guerrero). Referred to as “UTCGG,” the university is located just one 45 minutes south of the tourist resort of Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, on Interstate Highway 200 in the small village of Petatlán.

A high-technology, full-equipped, technical training institution, UTCGG offers 2-year technical degrees in Marketing, Tourism, Food Preparation, Human Resource Administration, Automobile Mechanics and Industrial Maintenance. Students may continue to achieve 4-year professional degrees in Business Development and Innovation, Industrial Maintenance, Metal Mechanics, Food Processes, Information and Communication Technology, Renewable Energies or Tourism Development. Students also study English and French. The university also offers cultural activities, medical services, tutors, a library, and transportation.

Supported by the State of Guerrero with goals of educating the community at large, the UTCGG’s tuition is approximately $320 USD per year. Academic performance is rewarded; tuition is reduced by 50% for those with grade averages of 8.5-9.0 (on a 10 point scale) and waived completely for students who achieve a grade average of 9.1 or higher.

So, when you see young students at the hotels, restaurants, and businesses in Mexico – Talk to them! They can’t wait to start their future careers in the tourism industry.

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Related Article -The Key to Economic Development and Prosperity Trade Zone to Generate 50,000 New Jobs for Guerrero and Michoacán