Home ExPats Meet the Scouts of Mexico!

Meet the Scouts of Mexico!


Scouting is Worldwide!

By: Patricia Ann Talley, Editor, and Scout!

Scouts in Mexico? Of course! Scouting is worldwide, with over 40 million Scouts in 162 countries. International Scouting aims to create an understanding of other cultures and promote peace and tolerance.

More than 13,000 Scouts are in Mexico!


The Scout Association of Mexico was established over 90 years ago, and there are now more than 13,000 Scouts throughout the country.

An example is the Scout Troop of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero. It has over 90 members, comprised of age groups of 7-10 years, 11-14 years, 15-18 years, and 18-21 years. The Troop meets every Saturday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. in the Park in Limon.

All Kids of All Ages are Welcome – Girls & Boys

The Scouts of Mexico do not have separate troops for boys and girls; all Scouts are together. The different age groups are in different units, but they all meet together so that the older ones can teach the younger ones. Mr. Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, one of its leaders, is also the “Jefe” (Chief) of the National Scout Association. He welcomes all kids to Scouts.

“It doesn’t matter what race, creed or social position. We are all brothers and sisters united together. Welcome to the Scouts.”

Mr. Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas is the Chief of the Scout Association of Mexico and is a leader of the Scouts of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero.
The Scouts are shown in front of the Peace Monument in Zihuatanejo with certificates for their participation in various peace programs. Both boys and girls participate together in the Troop.

The Mission of the Scouts of Mexico

“Through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to contribute to the education of young people to participate in building a better world, where people are fully developed and play a constructive role in society.”

The Scout Promise

“I promise, on my honor, to do all my best to do my duty to God and country, help others in all circumstances and faithfully fulfill the Scout Law.”

The Scout Law

  1. A Scout is honest and trustworthy.
  2. A Scout is loyal to his/her country, parents, bosses, and subordinates.
  3. A Scout is useful and helps others without thought of reward.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every Scout, without distinction of religion, race, nationality, or social class.
  5. A Scout is courteous and acts nobly.
  6. A Scout sees in nature the work of God and protects animals and plants.
  7. A Scout obeys responsibly, does things in order, and completes the task.
  8. The Scout laughs and sings through difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty and works carefully for the good of others.
  10. A Scout is clean, healthy, and pure in thought, word, and deed.

Salute the Scouts of Mexico!

SALUTE to the Scouts of Mexico! And, thanks to the many parents and volunteers who donate their time, efforts, and resources to our kids.

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