Home Health & Nature Ixtapa Receives EarthCheck Certification – Leads the Americas in Sustainable Tourism

Ixtapa Receives EarthCheck Certification – Leads the Americas in Sustainable Tourism


Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero joins Huatulco as one of only two EarthCheck Certified destinations in the Americas

From EarthCheck Press Release:

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero joins Huatulco as one of only two EarthCheck Certified destinations in the Americas, strengthening the region’s position as a leader in sustainable tourism.

For more than a decade, the National Fund for Tourism Development (FONATUR) and EarthCheck have worked together to strengthen the sustainable development of destinations worldwide.

First Huatulco in 2005, and now Ixtapa, FONATUR has received the EarthCheck Silver Certification Status confirming conscious development efforts towards sustainability. This process has been led by the Green Team, Team EcoZanka, and key allies like Barcelo Ixtapa Resort, Azul Ixtapa Hotel, and other operators are also part of the program EarthCheck Certification Companies.

As part of its sustainable efforts, Ixtapa tries to reduce its solid waste through initiatives such as the Azulita Project has implemented management strategies for efficient use of water and energy, has developed environmental and social policies, and attempts to promote community participation to implement conservation efforts.

Following the mantra of EarthCheck “cannot manage what you do not measure,” the benchmarking tool EarthCheck has provided Ixtapa quantitative indicators to measure and monitor sustainable key aspects such as water and energy consumption, contributions to the community, carbon emissions, and solid waste production.

Lic. Héctor Barraza Gómez, General Director of FONATUR, Mexico’s national tourism development organization, said, “We are immensely proud to receive this certification, especially being the second in America in reach. EarthCheck Standards are approved by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC for its acronym in English), which has allowed Ixtapa to be recognized by the GSTC representing an extraordinary commitment to sustainable policies and practices. This achievement is a clear demonstration of how government, the private sector, and local communities can work together to generate significant benefits to the world in which we live.”

“FONATUR has managed sustainable practices in the tourism sector in Mexico and has implemented a vision of respect for nature conservation in its Integrally Planned Centers to promote tourism, strengthen the local economy and promote traditions and culture,” he added.

In 2013, President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico outlined ambitious targets to be achieved by 2050 by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by half compared to 2010 levels. Sustainability programs such as EarthCheck provide support in reaching this goal and will help Mexico to be positioned as the most sustainable country in the world.

“Since the information began to be recorded in 2003, the organizations participating in EarthCheck programs in Mexico have reduced the consumption of enough energy to power 405,721 Mexican homes inhabited by 4 people each year,” said Earthcheck Ambassador Erica Lobos. “They have also reduced consumption of water equivalent to enough to fill 281 Olympic swimming pools, dramatically reducing pressure on natural resources in the country that is suffering from the effects of drought water.”

EarthCheck CEO & Founder, Mr. Stewart Moore said, “Ixtapa has confirmed its position as a world leader in responsible tourism and has become a source of genuine inspiration for the international tourism community. Our research indicates that 73 percent of visitors want to know about the sustainability of the destination to which they travel. To say you have a sustainable and pristine destination is no longer enough. It is important that independent scientific research provides evidence to support your great efforts.”

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