Is Mexico Safe? Crime in Mexico vs. the USA


By: Patricia Ann Talley, MBA and Editor

The Facts vs. Politics – Statistical Comparisons

Is Mexico safe? That’s the first question people ask me when I tell them that I have lived in Mexico for over 20 years. “We heard there’s a lot of violence in Mexico. Don’t they kill people?”

In the debate over immigration reform in the United States, politicians have referred to Mexicans as “criminals, drug dealers, and rapists.” The U.S. State Department regularly issues travel warnings to avoid certain Mexican cities.

Yes. Mexico has problems with drug cartels and trafficking illegal drugs into the USA. And yes, like in every country or city, there are certain areas that you should avoid. Those areas that are safe should be enjoyed, just like in your home city.

The FACTS indicate that unless you are planning a trip to make a major drug deal with the cartel, you are statistically safer in Mexico than in the USA.

Mexico Has More Violent Crime Murders gathers crime statistics from countries around the world and publishes comparison charts. (The Prominix Report, another source for this information reports similar findings.)

Statistics show that Mexico has higher rates of violent crime murders, especially associated with the drug trade. But note, there are only slight differences between Mexico and the US for overall crime levels and property crimes. Most significant is that Mexicans have a much higher perception of corruption and bribery in their country than do Americans.

Source: – Comparative Country Crime Statistics

The US Has More Illegal Drugs/ Drug Usage

Much of the violence in Mexico is connected with the drug trade across the border to meet the demand in the US. Illegal drug use in the US is 14% more than in Mexico. Cannabis and opiate use is 6-7 times greater in the US than in Mexico.

Source: – Comparative Country Crime Statistics

The US Has More Crime, Guns, Murders with Firearms and Hate Crimes

People are 3 times more likely to be a victim of crime in the US than in Mexico.  The US leads the world in gun ownership and has more murders with firearms. School children in Mexico do not have practice drills for mass shootings. Significantly, violent hate crimes occur 89% more in the US than in Mexico.

Source: – Comparative Country Crime Statistics

The US Has More Rapes, Assaults, and Prisoners

People are more likely to be assaulted or raped in the US than in Mexico. The US leads the world in the amount of its population that is incarcerated.

Source: – Comparative Country Crime Statistics

Take Precautions When Traveling and Living in Mexico

I do not want to minimize the fears that Americans may have regarding traveling or living in Mexico. Americans, especially the older ones who grew up in racial segregation, may lack integration skills and are truly afraid in situations where they are the minority.

But again, facts indicate that you are safer in Mexico than in the US. Nonetheless, you should take precautions when traveling or living there. Every city and town has good and bad areas. I had a friend recently tell me that she has been robbed 5 times in 12 years while living in Mexico and was blasting tourism. I have lived here for 20 years and never been robbed. I suggested that she move to a safer neighborhood!

Use Common Sense!

  • Research your destination and talk to other people who have traveled or live there.
  • Ask travel professionals or your local travel agent.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid being out late and in the wrong places!
  • Choose accommodations or living arrangements in “safer” neighborhoods.
  • Avoid drawing attention to yourself with bad behavior, rudeness, drunkenness, displays of wealth, etc.
  • Show RESPECT! You are a guest in the country. Show respect to the people and to the culture.
  • Leave your guns at home. Do not bring guns into the country.

Travel wherever your imagination takes you! Now that you know the FACTS about Mexico, we hope to see you soon!

Sources: – Comparative Country Crime Statistics,

How Safe is

Prominix Report: