Living the Dream in Mexico!

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Mexico continues to be the #1 vacation and retirement destination for Canadians and Americans. Mexico is also attracting a new generation of young professionals and entrepreneurs who, due to technology, can work anywhere. People are attracted to Mexico because of the friendliness and acceptance of its people, the lower cost of living, the culture, the food, the weather…Living the Dream!

Last month, we featured our “Living in Mexico” section, and got such great response that we are providing more articles with relevant information. Enjoy!  

Temporary & Permanent Residency Requirements for Foreigners in Mexico

New Laws Require Payment of Social Security Taxes for Home Workers

Take Extra Precautions with Activities and Food during the Summer in Mexico

Foreigners Can Buy Real Estate in Mexico – Part 2

What Rights do Foreign Property Owners Have under Mexican Law?

Is Mexico Safe? Crime in Mexico vs. The USA

Zihuatanejo and Taxco are NOT on Canada’s Travel Warning List

Mexico Voted One of the Best Places for Foreigners to Live

Mexican Culture – A Real World Heritage