Fashions Worn for Festivals and Dancing
By Professor Donaji Mendez Tello*
“Huipiles” are traditional clothing mainly worn by the indigenous populations of Mexico. Later, when the Afro-descendants were integrated
The dresses and fashions that I have collected are from the Costa Chica regions of the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca. These areas have high populations of indigenous and Afromexicans.
Most people no longer wear these styles except when performing traditional dances. During the last five years, the local producers have modernized the garments to appeal to young people who are starting to wear them again.
I recommend that if you purchase a “huipil” or artisanal piece, do not try to bargain for a lower price. Please remember that it had taken months of intense work to sew and embroider these garments. They are treasures of art.

Fashion 1: The “
Fashions 2 and 3: These are “huipiles” that were embroidered in the Pinotepa Nacional area of Oaxaca. The figures that decorate the necks of the dresses represent the flora and fauna of the region.
Fashion 4: A “
Fashions 5 and 6: These are “huipiles” from Xochistlahuaca in the Costa Chica Region of Guerrero. The colorful flowers are worn for big parties. The blue color has an added detail of silver thread which makes it look much more elegant for big parties.
Fashions 7 and 8: A blouse with a cross and a white skirt of “manta” material in white blank are traditional clothing worn by the Afro-
You will see this clothing worn in traditional dances. Watch this video.

- About the Author: Donají Mendez Tello is a Professor of Tourism at the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero
and Director of Afro-Mexican Studies.