Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in the world with an annual production of more than 300 million tons. Plastic is used for its main purpose for only a moment – but, it has a lifecycle of 20 to 500 years. The discarded pieces are easily transported to ecosystems through the forces of nature causing serious threats to migratory species around the world.
How does plastic affect birds?
Sadly, having wings does not help birds escape the threat of plastic. Dead chicks with stomachs full of plastic, entangled and smothered by plastic rings and nets are all too real consequences of the toll that plastic takes on birds and other wildlife.
What can YOU do?
Reduce, reuse and recycle – Limit your use of plastic materials and replace them with eco-friendly alternatives, use and dispose of plastics sustainably.
Clean up – Join clean-up activities in your area, whether at beaches or along rivers.
Spread the word – Support local and global action against excessive, unnecessary use and detrimental disposal of plastic.