Enjoy Our July 2020 Edition!


From the Editor:

One of Mexico’s main industries is tourism, which like all others, has been impacted by the recent health crisis. International tourism will return. It will be different; there will be many changes, and we will have to adjust. But we will get through it – together.

Over the years, I have collaborated with researchers, writers, artists, and others to tell you stories about Mexico that are compiled in this publication. We have over 400 stories online and in our archives.  

Imagine-Mexico.com contains sections on Travel, History & Traditions, Food, Nature & Wellness, Art & Music, plus information and advice for Expats. New articles are added every month. Subscribe to our Newsletter and you will receive an email announcement on the first day of each month. (On time, for the past 10 years! Perdoname!)

So, while you are at home waiting for the travel industry to re-open, I invite you to explore online and learn more about my adopted country of Mexico. In 2018, I became a proud dual American-Mexican citizen.

With love,

Patricia Ann Talley, Founder & Editor (and soon to be Grandma!)

In This Issue:

