Spanish & English Names for Your Kitchen or Restaurant
One of the joys of living in Mexico is cooking! Here, you have access to fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and ingredients from all over the world. But to find everything, or to work with a cook or helper, you will need to know the Spanish names for foods, beverages, and cooking equipment.
In addition, many supermarkets and small business services are now offering home delivery of groceries. Ordering groceries in Spanish might be a challenge for English-speaking foreign residents who would otherwise “see” their grocery items displayed without having to know their Spanish names.
So, have some fun and start learning how to cook in Spanish! As a public service, we are providing this bi-lingual vocabulary of fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish, and other grocery items.


Meat & Pork



Dairy & Other Products

Herbs & Spices

Cleaning Items/ Pet Food

Personal Care Products

So, cook! Download these tables to use.
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