Home Travel Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Preserve Our Environment – Clean Beach Rules in Mexico

Preserve Our Environment – Clean Beach Rules in Mexico


Follow the Rules and Keep Our Beaches Clean

Everyone loves the tropical beaches of Mexico! But, if travelers want to continue to enjoy them, we must take action to preserve them. Many beachside communities have rules that govern the use of their beaches.

Inquire about your City’s rules!

Clean beach rules are established by the local municipal government. Inquire about the rules in your community. If we all do our part, little by little, we can clean and preserve our beaches for future generations.

  • Glass and Styrofoam are not permitted
  • No dogs, pets, or horses (This varies. Some communities have “pet-friendly” areas
  • No camping
  • No fires on the beach
  • No automotive vehicles or 4-wheel vehicles
  • Do not remove the natural flowers and vegetation
  • Do not disturb the natural wildlife

Many communities have clean beach programs that consist of beach and sand cleaning, environmental education, cleaning of riverbeds and wastelands, a sea turtle and wildlife conservation program, beach trash containers and signage, zoning of activities with buoys and surveillance of aquatic sports, and construction and maintenance of ramps for disabled visitors.

Take Action in Your Hometown!

In your hometown, there are many things that you can do to help preserve our oceans. Check with your community for a list of actions that you can take.

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