Advice When Moving Abroad


Things to Consider – Think Ahead!

By Carlton H. Tilley*

It is important to plan for your move abroad. Ensure that your “business” is straight because life can be very uncertain wherever you are.

Your Will

If you don’t have one but need a Will, have one drawn up wherever you are and designate a responsible person as the Executor.

Health Care

In whatever country you find yourself, especially if you’re older, get a comprehensive hospital plan. The local doctor advised me that the government hospitals here where I live are “the pits” and having a hospital plan for private hospital coverage is advisable in the event of a hospitalization.

Emergency Contacts

If you’re in your new country alone, or even with family and/or others, place a list of your emergency contacts and other important telephone numbers in a conspicuous place. Also, give the same to family/friends back home. Often, we want to be off-the-grid, but usually, that’s not entirely practical. Let somebody who you trust know something.

Emergency Travel

If possible, have an “open” airline ticket in case the political/social situation is disrupted in your new country, and you must make a quick getaway. Also, identify the land exit points.

You don’t have to be a “news junkie” but at least loosely pay attention to the news in your country and the surrounding countries as well.

Respect the Local Customs and Rules

First, learn the language of your new country. Always respect the local customs, rules, and laws. I just spoke with a friend whose sister recently visited South Africa with a group. His sister enjoyed herself, however, some members of the group were quite obnoxious and acted like the “ugly Americans.” Don’t be those people!

Feel free to add to this list.

*About the Author: Carlton Tilley retired from the US Postal Service after nearly 38 years of service and then completed a Bachelor of Science and Masters in Criminal Justice/Human Service. In 2021, at 77 years of age, he relocated from the New Jersey/New York area to Johannesburg, South Africa to complete his doctorate research.

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