Chicago and Zihua Kids Have Poetry and Art for You!

Kids are “Amig@s de la Paz”


Kids are “Amig@s de la Paz”

By Patricia Ann Talley, Editor and International Director of the Amig@s de la Paz Sustainability Award Program

How do you make peace in the world? It starts with our children. We must prepare them to be leaders in a new world of diverse cultures and people. The youth are our future – we are literally in their hands.  

May Peace Prevail on Earth International (MPPOE) foundation is a global not-for-profit charity that develops and promotes peace activities for communities and youth. The foundation’s primary mission is to erect Peace Pole Monuments around the world.

In 2019, MPPOE launched the Amig@s de la Paz Sustainability Award Program to recognize and promote communities, businesses, institutions, and individuals that actively support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Participating communities become “Amig@s de la Paz” and are connected for cultural exchange programs, tours, events, and other activities.

Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico, was the first city in the world to participate in the Amig@s de la Paz Sustainability Award Program, and now – Chicago! The Chicago program is led by the Peace School of Chicago. Master Charles Kim, President, and Mrs. Jennifer Kim, its director, have visited Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and participated in the Mexican community’s peace activities.

“Where am I from?” – Kids’ Poetry and Art Exchange Program

The first cultural exchange program between these Amig@s de la Paz communities is the “Where am I from?” Kids’ Poetry and Art Exchange Program, hosted by the Peace School of Chicago, the Chicago School District, Centro de Familiar Ixtapa, and Arte & Cultura Asociación de Zihuatanejo.    

Knowledge of English is vital to international tourist communities like Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. In today’s world, it is important for all kids of all ethnic groups and nationalities to learn languages. English is included in the curriculum of all Mexican schools.

On the other side of the border, many parents and teachers in Latino communities in Chicago are concerned that their kids, who are second and third-generation “American-born”, do not know, or are losing their Spanish language skills.

Kids, 10-15 were asked: How can I tell a vivid story of where I’m from by including sensory details in my writing? How does describing my home and my community reveal who I am? They were also encouraged to draw using their 5 senses: See-blue, Hear-red, Smell-green,  Taste-purple, and Touch-yellow.

“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, or been told — it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” -Maya Angelou

So, we are proud to present, “Where am I from?” by the kids of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Chicago.

Thank you, Teachers – Gracias!

Wow! Bravo! We want to thank all the teachers who gave their talent and time to help the youth.

International Coordinator:

Dr. Talia Weltman-Cisneros from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

In Chicago:

The Peace School
Changing Worlds
Ruiz Elementary School
Poder After School Program Ruiz Elementary

In Ixtapa Zihuatanejo:

Pastor Mel Calva, Centro de la Familiar Ixtapa, Abner Gutiérrez Sagrero, and Azel Isaac Alberto Guzmán

Your Community Can Participate Too!

We would love to have more Amig@s de la Paz communities! For more information, email:

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